January-June 2002

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Accolades continue to pour in for EMO's great-grand-daughter & newly-discovered lacrosse star Mary Montague!  She was selected in June 2002 as an Academic All-American goalie, as well as the First-Team All-A-2 League goalie for Onondaga County!  All this after a wild lax season during which Mary: (1) picked up her first lacrosse stick, having never played before, (2) led Corcoran to a 9-9 record and a berth in the Sectional-III playoffs, (3) was selected as one of 100 New York State high school players competing at the 2002 U.S. National Junior Select-Side Tournament in Philadelphia (May 2002), helping the New York Team-4 to a 5-0 division winning record at the Nationals, (4) tumbled down the stairs at work in late May (waiting on tables at BCC) a week before sectional playoffs, badly spraining her ankle, and (5) limped gamely through a playoff loss to Fayetteville-Manlius!  Well done, Mary!

#1 on the left, #1 in our hearts!

EMO's great-grand-daughter & star goalie Mary Montague stands her ground for the Corcoran High School varsity lacrosse team!


EMO's great-grand-daughter Kristin Montague earned the prestigious Letter in Band at Pioneer Middle School (Cooper City, FL) after passing her comprehensive final exam in flute and performing in the year-end band recital at Flanagan High School (5 June 2002)!

Florida softball girls lose heartbreaker in league championship game - Cooper City Optimists 10 & Under Girls League Finals saw EMO's great-grand-daughter & slugging catcher Kelly Montague put in a solid game behind the plate!  The Red Devils lost 4-2 in well-played championship game (23 May 2002) - great job, girls, better luck next year!

Kelly Montague (back, 2nd from left) & the Mighty Red Devils!



The graduation pictures are coming in fast & furious!  Here're some sent in by EMO's grandson Tom Montague, including some pictures of his son Tom's senior art exhibition shown at Maine College of Art (MECA).  Now, Tom, remember that very important first rule of exhibition: if it's not catered, it's not art!

Tom Montague receives his sheepskin from Maine College of Art (MECA) in Portland (May 2002) Art major Tom (with a special friend) shows off some of his MECA senior exhibition!
Tom's fine work on display at MECA... ...and here's some more!

Here's some nice family photos sent in by EMO's grand-daughter Anne Quigley Coley & Hubbie Mike (Thanks, Mike!)

Graduation Day 2002 at Old Dominion University in Virginia for EMO's great-grand-daughter Catie Coley 

Proud new ODU alum Catie Coley (with brother Mike, Mom Anne Quigley Coley & Dad Mike) Catie & Mike Coley - BTW Mike is also an ODU alum, and both Coleys lettered for the ODU varsity swim team!

EMO's grandson Jim Quigley sent in a nice picture of John Quigley's recent confirmation at St. Anns!  John's now a student at West Genesee High School.


Can those summer days be very far off?  Check out EMO's great-great grandson Brendan Rewakowski with his Mom Carrie (pix sent in by EMO's grand-daughter Ellen Flynn):

Pretty hot duo for Syracuse in April! With table manners, to boot!
Future CEO of Purple Eagle Trucking, Inc.? Brendan's liking that '60's Psychodelia!

Check out EMO's great-grand daughter & Florida Flute Girl Kristin Montague at Cooper City's Pioneer Middle School Band Night & Horrible Spaghetti Dinner (26 April 2002)!

Flute Girl! Curtain Call!

It was a grand musical reunion for EMO's grandsons Jim Quigley (guitarist and vocalist in Quigsy & the Bird) and guess bassist Jerry Montague, who joined Quigsy & the Bird on stage at Riley's for a St Patrick's Day Breakfast concert (new photos may be coming in soon!).  Jim Quigley and the multi-talented musician Jerry Berdan have been performing together since 1963!

The finest Irish folk music and snappy patter presented by Quigsy & the Bird!  (Jim Quigley and Jerry Berdan with guess bassist Jerry Montague, shown here in concert, July 1999)


Jim & Beth Montague just sent in a nice picture of Katie Montague (EMO's great-grand-daughter) with the adult class at Tipp Hill Tae Kwon Do in Syracuse.  She just passed her test for blue belt (waaaaaay beyond beginner belt) - she'll be kicking her uncle Jerry's butt for real!

Katie Montague (front & center) with the adult class at Tipp Hill Tae Kwon Do - her black belt instructors are Mr. Bob Brophy on her right and Mr. Rich Abbott on her left!  Well done, young lady!

Mary O'Donnell Montague (EMO's daughter) just sent in an image of her great grandson (and EMO's great-great grandson) Brendan Rewakowski (Carrie & Dan Rewarkowski's son).  OK, who does he remind you of?

Brendan Rewakowski...a chip off of which old block?  Send in your votes!

EMO's grand-daughter Julie Quigley Smith & hubbie Phil Smith just emailed some news about their nephew Brad Smith (12 March 2002).  Tragically, Brad's father (and Phil's brother) Karl Smith, a municipal bond trader with Cantor Fitzgerald in New York City, died on 11 September in the collapse of the WTC towers.  Brad helped organize "Teens for Teens," a support group for students at Red Bank Regional High School in New Jersey.  Well done, Brad.  All the O'Donnells join with us in prayer, and we wish all the best for the Smith family.

Brad Smith, nephew of EMO grand-daughter Julie Quigley Smith, helps to heal the wounds of 9/11 at Red Bank Regional High School in New Jersey, a school that lost more than a few family members on that awful day.  Brad was honored recently in the April 2002 issue of Teen People Magazine.

Brad Smith receives heart-felt thanks and support from Rep. Bush Holt of New Jersey. 


On the lighter side things, Phil Smith also reported that EMO's grand-daughter Julie Quigley Smith recently completed the Sea Bight three-mile run in a brisk 28 minutes (Phil says he walked waaaaay back in the pack!).

EMO's grand-daughter Julie Quigley Smith & some cagey veteran milers dueling down the stretch at the prestigious 2-mile Cape May Run (September 2001)! 

Julie stands tall on the finish line - with her finishing time, she'll be challenging the Kenyans!

Another of EMO's great-grandsons showed up in some email pictures.  Mary Jeanne (Marnie) Quigley Kern's son RJ hits the ski slopes in Evergreen, CO (Thanks, Marnie!)


EMO's grand-daughter Ellen Montague Murphy Flynn (and hubbie Bob) just emailed a dandy picture in from the Syracuse Scottish Pipe Band's recent competition in Scranton, PA this past weekend (10 March).  By the way, the editorial staff here at Mary's Gossip Page suggest that if Bob painted his face blue, he'd be the spitting image of William Wallace!

Bob & Ellen Flynn show why the Syracuse Scottish Pipe Band sparkles in competition!

EMO's grandson Edward (Tom) Montague, Jr., and wife Mary Ellen Murphy Montague (Mame) just sent in a pack of pictures - enjoy!

Tom & Mame - Xmas 2001 in New York City... ...with sons John & Tom!

Tom & Mame enjoying some great scenery in Portland, Maine!


Happy Birthday to You...EMO's grand-daughter, the Queen Herself, Ellen Montague Murphy Flynn, just celebrated the big 5-0 Na na na na naaaaa naaaaaaa! (theme music from Hawaii Five-O!) approaching the speed limit!  She sent in some new digital images for all to see...note the spiffy frames!  Is not Ellen truly le chic camera pest?

Ellen's dapper Hubbie Bob... ...and Ellen's son Conor!

Here are some brand-new pictures, just in!  BTW, EMO's great-grand-daughter Katie Montague just received her green belt in Tae Kwon Do from Tip Hill Tae Kwon Do on the West Side of Syracuse!  Keeeeeeeahhh!!


EMO's great-grandkids Katie & Pat Montague are livin' large on Tip Hill (see 1st-floor flop above)...

...inside, Katie's goin' strong with the quilt & poundin' the big box o' Christmas chocolates!


EMO's great grandson Mike Montague with main squeeze Kate Parnello from Lansing, Michigan!  Mike and Kate met in their freshmen year at Boston College (Fall 1996) and graduated together in May 2000.

How about some martial arts?  EMO's grandson Jeremy Montague (in the middle with the black belt & white beard) surrounded by battling black belts (Mike Flores, Dakotah Jongebloed, and Axel Nunez) from the Olympic Tae Kwon Do Center in Davie, Fl!  These young OTC men competed in Miami Springs at Ray's Florida State Black Belt Festival in January 2002 (pssst!  The old guy got gold & silver medals!)

Okay, so it's not 2001 anymore - we just got the prints back!

Christmas Eve 2001 at EMO's grandson Jeremy Montague's pad!  Kelly & Kristin can't wait!

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